Power of Mind….

Many of us say…when we fail it is because of our luck..we gave our hundred percent but still we failed..you failed not because luck was not in your side or astrology affected you…it was because you had a doubt whether you could do that particular work or not..clear your mind of all the doubts..negativity to be the exact term..if you are negative your surrounding will be negative..and vice versa..Control your mind..it has so much power that each human can generate electricity..for a city for one full week….we don’t know this thats why we feel tired or exhausted….eighty percent of snakes are not poisonous.though we feel that snakes bite meaning dead..maybe that is a water snake….I will share a story with you..and its a real story……ONE MAN WAS RANDOMLY PICKED UP FROM STREET AND WAS KEPT IN A JAIL.. VERY DARK JAIL..HE WAS FORCED TO SEE A VIDEO IN WHICH A PERSON IS BEING SENTENCED TO DEATH IN HIS JAIL ROOM BY THE OFFICERS WHO LEAVE A SNAKE  IN THE ROOM AND SNAKE BIT HIM AND HE DIED AND THE PERSON WAS TOLD THAT TOMORROW YOU WILL ALSO DIE LIKE THIS…NEXT DAY THEY SENT A RAT IN HIS ROOM AND IT BIT HIM AND HE DIED…OFFICERS WERE SHOCKED AT THIS INCIDENT ..THEN CAME THE POST MORTEM REPORT…….SNAKE POISON WAS FOUND IN HIS STOMACH….SCIENTISTS HAD VARIOUS RESEARCHES IN THIS TOPIC…THEY CAME WITH ONE CONCLUSION..i.e.PERSON’s MIND BELIEVED THAT I WILL DIE WITH A SNAKE BITE..AND HIS MIND MADE THAT POISON..So friends moral of the story is that your mid has immense power..we just don’t use it..IT IS SAID THAT A PERSON WHO USED HIS MIND WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN..he used his mind only 4.5% and if so much of modernisation can take place..with just using the 3 to 4 percent of mind..so think if all of us just used even 1% of our mind..we can be so successful..ALBERT EINSTEIN said man becomes what he thinks….If you think negative thoughts you will be nowhere in the peace world…AS I SAID EARLIER IN MY BLOG MINDSET..POSITIVE THINKING WITH EXTRA EFFORT INCREASES THE PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS..WHILE NEGATIVE THINKING WITH EFFORT DECREASES THE PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS..Its just amazing how your mind has immense power in it..that we don’t even realise it..some even say that we don’t even have mind..this out of our reach..or a particular work is out of our reach…but in reality its just the doubt as I said earlier in this blog….we humans have a tendency of negativeness….but a common question arises.. how do we know whether we are thinking positive or negative..POSITIVE THINKING MAKES YOU FEEL HAPPY…SOME EMOTIONS OF POSITIVENESS IS LOVE,FRIENDSHIP ETC..WHILE NEGATIVE THINKING MAKES YOU FEEL BAD & UNCOMFORTABLE…you know word play an important role in our daily life we should change some of our word with the following.

WORDS                                                                         TO BE REPLACED WITH

ANGRY                                                                          UNCOMFORTABLE
ANXIOUS                                                                     CONCERNED
CONFUSED                                                                  CURIOUS
DEPRESSED                                                                CHALLENGED
EMBARRASSED                                                         STIMULATED
EXHAUSTED                                                              RECHARGING
FAILURE                                                                     LEARNING
FEARFUL                                                                    CURIOUS
FRUSTRATED                                                           CHALLENGED/FASCINATED
FURIOUS                                                                     PASSIONATE
HURT                                                                            BOTHERED
I HATE                                                                          I PREFER
INSULTED                                                                   MISUNDERSTOOD

If we say some work is IMPOSSIBLE…it doesn’t mean that you can’t do that work..its just your mind will not be convinced that you can do this work..and its to you to convince your mind that you can do what you want to do…..there is an wonderful saying by Marriane Williamson-                                              “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”     Now you have to experience the “POWER OF MIND”  then only you will understand…    you can attract things in your life…but you also have to take actions…..because there is no attraction without“ACTION”…..think and take actions for your goals…

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Today I’m sharing a story of a fisherman…. As King Haroun and Queen Zubayda were sitting in their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling fresh fish was brought in front of them. KingParveez decided to buy a fish and gave the fisherman 4000 dirham for it. The fisherman was overjoyed. He thanked King Haroun and left. Queen Zubayda turned to her husband in anger and scolded him for paying so much for a fish. King Haroun let her have her say but said that the fish was purchased and that there was nothing that could be done about it. However, the Queen was adamant and insisted that the fisherman be brought back. “We will ask the fisherman about the gender of the fish,” she said. “If he answers that it is female, we will say that we wanted a male fish and if his response is that it is male, we will say that we wanted a female fish! Either way, we will be able to return the fish and have our money back.” So the poor fisherman was called back and was asked the question. Fortunately, he was clever enough not to be caught out. He replied, “The fish is neither male nor female, it is eunuch (neutral).” King Haroun was so impressed by the ingenuity of the man that he ordered a further 4000 dirham to be paid to him. The fisherman thanked the King again but as he was about to leave with the heavy bag of money, one of the coins fell onto the floor. The fisherman immediately bent down to look for the coin. Queen Zubayda was already upset that the fisherman had been given 8000 dirham. “Look how miserly this man is!” the Queen exclaimed. “One coin has fallen out of his bag full of money and he searches for it instead of leaving it for some other poor servant to find.” The man heard this remark and said, “O Queen, it is not out of miserliness that I search for the coin but rather because it had the picture of generous King Haroun on it. I would not tolerate anyone to cause dishonour to the King by treading on the coin.” The King was so happy with this response that he immediately called for another 4000 dirham to be given to the fisherman. When Queen Zubayda saw all this, she thought it was better to hold her tongue and let the man go with the 12000 dirham before the King decided to increase the amount again. Moral of the story…. Speech is an Art. If one knows what, when and how to talk then such a person will be successful in life. “The beauty of man is in the clarity of his tongue”. In other words, we must know when to speak our mind and when to mind our speech. “Your tongue is the translator of your intellect”. Put it differently, a person’s intellect and wisdom is recognized through his speech…

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Is Politics too much involved in our life?

POLITICS a word involved in our life so much that we can’t even understand what is it.We want to get as far as we can but still  it chases us or simply we want them for our own benefits. A kid can’t get in cricket team he uses politics,may be the captain is his friend or in any relation he will try to get inside the team no matter how much better second person plays.Politics is not a bad word but we make them bad.As I said in my previous blog about mindsets, this is a great example of mindsets. We humans have a nature of sophistications  this work is below my dignity. No one wants to get dirty in cleaning his house but surely comments on how to do it. Most of the people have a wrong base of a POLITICS. We chose politicians and then we only criticize them.Amount of knowledge person gets to know about someone is only to a certain limit, he/she is permitting.We exaggerate. Truth can be never told bluntly some kind of dressing is always required.Politics can never be removed but can be made a better word,better religion.Question always rises,IS POLITICS TOO MUCH INVOLVED IN OUR LIFE? Sit & think..

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Mindsets play an important role in success&failures of one’s life.We may have heard many people saying “Accept life as it is or take the responsibility to change it.”  This is a positive mindset about how one should live his life or one may have heard SHIV KHERA saying”Winners don’t do different things they do things differently!.” When Muhammad Ali would enter the ring he would continue saying “I am the greatest I am the champion.” just to make his mindset like this.But one may ask how does it work?How can one just succeed by saying that he is greatest he is the champion but,remember Ali never said this when he was relaxing , he always said it when he was in the ring facing an opponent.Positive mindset with extra effort increases the probability of success.Whereas one says that he is of no use nobody appreciates him he is actually climbing the steps towards failure.No one can understand this until he/she actually applies this.

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